Saturday, February 16, 2008

The lazy blogger.....

So very true that I havn't posted in a while.
Is it that I am just lazy with my blogging?
That is what I thought,
until I was just enlightened a few moments ago ( with the aid of my sister). I have just relized that it isn't that I don't have anything to blog about or even that I am to lazy to spend the time.
It is the bloghogs fault!
milleniblog is on all the time making it impossible to get a few words in here and there. I had to trick him off the computer to get in and write, and in all my scheming I have forgotten what I wanted to say..........


Jake Bramante said...

Come on, you can do better than that girl! How about, "I've been slaving away working with my children" or "I was abducted by aliens" or "I've been working with the church a ton" or "I prefer to actually live life than to give lame commentaries on the one or two things that happen when I'm not on the computer"... oh crap, wait... any but that last one. um bye. ;-)

Garren said...

Ya, I don't think you realize how much energy and stamina it takes to blog regularly. After my first blog visits I was sore for two days. Anyway, stop whining about your hubby.

Anonymous said...

Glad I could be of service and help you see the light.