Friday, February 29, 2008

yum yum

So I am starting to notice a pattern of food showing up in my blog. And always bad for you food to.

I have decided that maybe I should start running, even though I HATE running.

I was wanting to start running with Emma to get her ready for cross country, and am thinking now is as good a time as any.

My goal is to drop 11 pounds.

We shall see how that goes. With all that said I have posted some pic's of a wonderful pie that my sister and I made when we had them over for dinner! Nothing like lots of sugar. Which is really all a lemon meringue pie is.


Anonymous said...

Nothing better than a bowl of lemony goodness.
Chocolate blah, GIVE ME LEMON!!!!

ryan said...

Hey Jill. You better stop posting those mouthwatering pictures of all you decadent desserts! Your making all of your readers fall victim to at least five of the seven deadly sins. *GREED* -- I WANT SOME PIE AND I WANT IT NOW! *WRATH* -- I am MAD cause I can't have any of Jill's tasty pie! *ENVY* -- I am envious of Seth who does get some of Jill's tasty pie. *GLUTTONY* -- In retaliation of not getting Jill's tasty pie I raid the kitchen and gorge myself on marshmallows and chocolate doughnuts. *SLOTH* -- After having gorged myself on marshmallows and doughnuts I am bloated, nauseous and unable to move. Your a BAD BAD lady!... but bring some of your pie to interface Thursday and all is forgiven! ;-)