Monday, February 18, 2008


I am finally goining to get a couple of pics up on my blog. Under the pretense that I am working right now ( at least that is what seth think's). And I did get my work done....

So these are just some snap shots I took while on a walk next to our house with my kiddo's last fall. The first looks little dark on the blog.
I was lots of fun and just about the perfect day you could want. Sunny and warm but not hot. Awsome all around I think we went about two miles so not to bad. We can't wait for hiking season! My goal is to get two peaks this year instead of one. Plus as much small hikes as possible. Our kids love to hike so that is helpful, and they can go far (6 miles if the two little ones are with us or farther if it's just the older ones) which is even better!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the pics. That was a great day.