Thursday, February 21, 2008

candy popcorn

Stinkin good.

Which is pretty aptly put by my friend Jayne. For it is tasty and unfortunately for anyone who eats a bite find that is is hard to stop. And then tends to find themselves feeling a bit sick from eating to much like you might have done when you where a kid.

Which then brings you to the thought of why is it I ate to much when I made sure that the kids here didn't eat too much. After all the thought had to of crossed your mind in some form that eating to much was bad, if you could make the call not to let others not eat to much....

But what goes better with candy popcorn than a movies and what better movie to whatch than lotr? So as 4 adults settled down to watch a movie 14 kids ran a muck eating candy popcorn, playing games and having fun.


Jake Bramante said...

I'm thinking that you should bring some to an interface group. ;-)

Jill said...

Well I think that could happen but you would have to convince Jayne to let me, as she has made herself sick on it twice!

Garren said...

That stuff is just about too good. Bring it...let's all get sick together!