Friday, February 29, 2008

yum yum

So I am starting to notice a pattern of food showing up in my blog. And always bad for you food to.

I have decided that maybe I should start running, even though I HATE running.

I was wanting to start running with Emma to get her ready for cross country, and am thinking now is as good a time as any.

My goal is to drop 11 pounds.

We shall see how that goes. With all that said I have posted some pic's of a wonderful pie that my sister and I made when we had them over for dinner! Nothing like lots of sugar. Which is really all a lemon meringue pie is.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My shoes

These are my favorite shoes! They are so comfortable and cozy. It's like slipping your feet into warm fuzzy happiness every time you put them on. In fact the day they wear out and die I might need to hold a funeral for them... well lets not be silly they are just shoes.
Or are they?

you better be there

OK Jake you got a deal I will bring candy popcorn (a.k.a. death corn) on Thursday so you better be there! And be ready to totally loose on any game we play!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

candy popcorn

Stinkin good.

Which is pretty aptly put by my friend Jayne. For it is tasty and unfortunately for anyone who eats a bite find that is is hard to stop. And then tends to find themselves feeling a bit sick from eating to much like you might have done when you where a kid.

Which then brings you to the thought of why is it I ate to much when I made sure that the kids here didn't eat too much. After all the thought had to of crossed your mind in some form that eating to much was bad, if you could make the call not to let others not eat to much....

But what goes better with candy popcorn than a movies and what better movie to whatch than lotr? So as 4 adults settled down to watch a movie 14 kids ran a muck eating candy popcorn, playing games and having fun.

Monday, February 18, 2008


I am finally goining to get a couple of pics up on my blog. Under the pretense that I am working right now ( at least that is what seth think's). And I did get my work done....

So these are just some snap shots I took while on a walk next to our house with my kiddo's last fall. The first looks little dark on the blog.
I was lots of fun and just about the perfect day you could want. Sunny and warm but not hot. Awsome all around I think we went about two miles so not to bad. We can't wait for hiking season! My goal is to get two peaks this year instead of one. Plus as much small hikes as possible. Our kids love to hike so that is helpful, and they can go far (6 miles if the two little ones are with us or farther if it's just the older ones) which is even better!

Coming soon!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The lazy blogger.....

So very true that I havn't posted in a while.
Is it that I am just lazy with my blogging?
That is what I thought,
until I was just enlightened a few moments ago ( with the aid of my sister). I have just relized that it isn't that I don't have anything to blog about or even that I am to lazy to spend the time.
It is the bloghogs fault!
milleniblog is on all the time making it impossible to get a few words in here and there. I had to trick him off the computer to get in and write, and in all my scheming I have forgotten what I wanted to say..........

Monday, February 4, 2008

super duper bowl

Yum chips and dip!!!! As someone who has never watched much football the best part of the super bowl has always been the chips and dip. I can't say a lot has changed for me, though I don't mind watching the playing of the game so much now. But we enjoyed a day of sledding and hanging out with our friends, and of course chips and super yummy dip!