Friday, August 15, 2008


well I would not call this great but it was the best my puter would do at home not int he studio and the program kept freezing on me.... I can't wait for my mac for home!!!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Beauty is Pain

Well I have finally crossed into the land of the not eyeliner challenged people! Yeah. The other evening after a wedding Jayne coaxed me to see our friend Rose the esthetician. Where after she locked me in and I conceded to have permanent eye liner put on. Was a little nervous about someone jabbing what turns out to be 24 small needles at a time at my eye, but went ahead and thought that I would give it a whirl. Oddly enough I have to report that it really didn't hurt very bad at all! I am not even nervous about my follow up in 4 weeks. And I hate needles with a passion. Seth loves how it looks which is good being it isn't going anywhere any time soon. Jayne has even gone back today and I can't wait to see how awesome her touch up looks. I will have to add pictures later cause Seth has my bag.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Cottage where your food and service is non existent

Was it bad service or what would you call it?
Last night Seth and I took some clients out to dinner. We arrived at 6:40 pm our clients arrived at 7:00 as planned. We ordered our ice tea's and our cheese and fruit plate (that took at least 45 min to receive). I mean it's cheese and fruit how long does that take to cut??? We ordered our dinners as soon as he brought the cheese out . We watched as other people got food payed and left. A little after 9:00pm our dinners arrived, you would think piping hot right... um no lukewarm. And I am not a huge fan of lukewarm salmon or steak so... Not to mention the fact that they got a order wrong now you would think that it would be hot and fresh picked and so on after taking that long.
So the owner is walking around talking to people swings past our table and says is everything OK all right good and starts walking on with out giving a chance to say anything just assuming all is great. So I was like um actually we had to wait for two hours for our food and when it came it wasn't even hot. He say oh well I am sorry and walks off. Do we get a hey let me make this right or anything? Nope.
Now I feel bad for the poor kid having to deal with unhappy customers, We were very nice with him and made sure he understood we weren't unhappy with his service (being that he was normally a cook).
So we get our bill and no surprise they charge us for everything but the cheapest desert (wow thanks). So on the bottom of the bill where it says thanks please come again Seth crosses it out and write Not after tonight!
Now we figure rude self centered owner that's the end of that just mark it a place not to go back to and let everyone else know not to go there either. So this morning Seth gets a phone call from the other owner apparently a husband and wife own The Cottage in Kila. She called to apologize for last night and says she is sorry but isn't willing to make it right! A sorry but I don't really care that you had to be at my restaurant for over three hours in entirety doesn't matter. So to me that really isn't much of a apology. I mean a crappy fast food joint messes up and gives you a free meal or something to bring you back.
So with all my ravings I say good bye to The Cottage for Seth has made it clear that we will never return and I have to recommend that you don't go either. It just isn't what it used to be and there is no service why not spend your money some place where you get what you pay for. I mean at least at tupelo you get good food even if the service is iffy at times

Truly Blessed!

Seth and I were so lucky to be truly blessed this past weekend.

Our Friends Garren and Jayne invited us to the lake, where it was so evident that God has blessed us with friends who Love God with all there hearts.

Whether it was a few new acquaintance's or old ones, fun was had by all. So great thanks to the Hartman's for bringing us all together.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Wow I feel like saying holy Tibetan monks or something. It has been a whole month sense I have had a chance to blog! And I am afraid this is just going to be a catch up note.
We have been so busy it's crazy.
Cross country season is done and Emma did OK. She did ribbon every time but didn't give it her all. Her last race was good she managed a 3:04 for a time and that is awesome. She finished out with one first, two seconds, a sixth, and a seventh. Which probably doesn't sound to bad to most except that she wasn't even breathing hard when she crossed the finish line on the 6 and 7. But there is always next year and she know that and that is good.
As many know Seth surprised me with a trip to Cancun this last month as well. We had a lot of fun just getting to hang out with each other. I have to say meal times were a bit odd not having to get food for 5 other people first, my food was still hot which I found to be a novel idea=-)
All is going well school is about out and we are opening a studio. Which I won't say to much about so Seth can blog about it (ha ha). I am hoping to put some Cancun pics up soon, till then have warm sunshiny white sandy beach thoughts.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

We're number 1 and 2

So Cross country season has started! Proud to say that at Emma's first meet she snagged first place! She wanted it so bad last year and got it. On the down side she might have become a little to sure of herself this week and ended up with second. We are still very proud of her she is a bit bummed but there was also a bit of confusion yesterday that messed up a lot of the kids =-( The person starting the races was doing a horrible job and there was up to three or four groups running at the same time and crossing the finish line getting all mixed up. It mad it hard to get times on all of our schools kids. But there is always next week!
Nathan is also running and is doing really well. He has improved his time from last week and manage to jump over a jumble of kids who tripped at the start line (one even lost a shoe).

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bear deterrent?

As I ran up the stairs from the basement today, to see what all the commotion was about. I didn't expect to be accosted by a terrible chemical. You see I was putting plastic on the windows so we can finish up the basement with the texture and paint. Then the dogs started to bark and the kids were running around so I figured I had better see what was going on. And as I opened the front door and stepped out onto the porch I could see that Seth was outside trying to keep up on his goal of keeping other peoples dogs off our property. Now the dogs in question belong to a neighbor at the beginning of our drive way. They have been giving Seth a hard time lately by chasing and trying to nip him when he is on his bike or motorcycle. In the past they have always been behind a fence but seem to have figured out how to get out, and the brown one is pretty mean by all actions. Apparently when Seth went out it came at him a bit so he came back in to get the bear spray. And though he managed to get rid of the dogs without spraying he wanted to check and see that it was still any good as it was getting old. Wind picks up I happen to breath obviously not a great idea because I inhaled a bunch of bear spray. It felt so nice as it was trying to cut off my ability to breath. But in all of that I had the though man I wonder if this would be a good thing to spray at a bear? I mean yes it was painful and obnoxious. But was it enough that it wouldn't just totally tick off a bear even more so it wants to bring on the pain? Just a thought of course. I am thinking that you should have at least two cans to discharge though cause then when you miss with the first you can hit it the second time around (ya know if you still have a arm=-)