Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bear deterrent?

As I ran up the stairs from the basement today, to see what all the commotion was about. I didn't expect to be accosted by a terrible chemical. You see I was putting plastic on the windows so we can finish up the basement with the texture and paint. Then the dogs started to bark and the kids were running around so I figured I had better see what was going on. And as I opened the front door and stepped out onto the porch I could see that Seth was outside trying to keep up on his goal of keeping other peoples dogs off our property. Now the dogs in question belong to a neighbor at the beginning of our drive way. They have been giving Seth a hard time lately by chasing and trying to nip him when he is on his bike or motorcycle. In the past they have always been behind a fence but seem to have figured out how to get out, and the brown one is pretty mean by all actions. Apparently when Seth went out it came at him a bit so he came back in to get the bear spray. And though he managed to get rid of the dogs without spraying he wanted to check and see that it was still any good as it was getting old. Wind picks up I happen to breath obviously not a great idea because I inhaled a bunch of bear spray. It felt so nice as it was trying to cut off my ability to breath. But in all of that I had the though man I wonder if this would be a good thing to spray at a bear? I mean yes it was painful and obnoxious. But was it enough that it wouldn't just totally tick off a bear even more so it wants to bring on the pain? Just a thought of course. I am thinking that you should have at least two cans to discharge though cause then when you miss with the first you can hit it the second time around (ya know if you still have a arm=-)


Garren said...

Ya, that pepper spray seems dangerous to me. I take a pepper shaker with me at all times...and I've never been killed by a bear once.
Happy 33rd Birthday Jill.

Jayne said...

Jake takes a salt shaker because He hates pepper and everything spicy.