Thursday, June 26, 2008

Beauty is Pain

Well I have finally crossed into the land of the not eyeliner challenged people! Yeah. The other evening after a wedding Jayne coaxed me to see our friend Rose the esthetician. Where after she locked me in and I conceded to have permanent eye liner put on. Was a little nervous about someone jabbing what turns out to be 24 small needles at a time at my eye, but went ahead and thought that I would give it a whirl. Oddly enough I have to report that it really didn't hurt very bad at all! I am not even nervous about my follow up in 4 weeks. And I hate needles with a passion. Seth loves how it looks which is good being it isn't going anywhere any time soon. Jayne has even gone back today and I can't wait to see how awesome her touch up looks. I will have to add pictures later cause Seth has my bag.


Jake Bramante said...

I got that done too and boy am I glad I did. ;-)

ryan said...

Jill, you are a brave soul. One needle coming that close to my eye would freak me out, let alone 24 all at once. I couldn't do it. Oh yeah, and for the record, I was there when Jake had his done, and he cried like a little school girl - It was kinda pathetic. Having seen your permanently outlined eyes tonight at interface, though, I gotta tell ya it was worth whatever pain you went looks really nice.

Stacey said...

If I wasn't so freaked about needles I myself might get it done. The did an amazing job and you look great!

Todd said...

I've never heard of such a technique before. I was amazed and it looked good on both you and Jayne.

As for me I think I'm gonna have some hair tattoo'd on my bald head. Do you think I should have a part down the middle, or down the side?

I wonder if they could make me look as good as Trump with the power hair doo? That would be AWESOME!

Garren said...

Jake's goatee (sp?) tattoo does look good. I might get some bangs tattooed on. I'm also thinking about a good set of high arching eyebrows for that constant look of "Wow, are you SERIOUS!!???!" on my face. I would always seem interested in what people are telling me.

Tori said...

You know, now that I've seen how good your and Jayne's eyes look, I keep contemplating it more and more. Every day I put on eyeliner and think, I could possibly never have to do this again!!! Why am I wasting my time?