Monday, March 31, 2008

G I who

Have you ever seen those people who are pulled over on the side of the road and seem to be looking for something in the ditch? And while sometimes you drive by without really noticing them, other times you think what are they doing that's just odd. Is ditch diving really any better than dumpster diving after all. I mean is something found on the side of the road really any less trashy than something pulled out of the green bins? Re the people who ditch dive any different than the ones who see, to live at the Columbia falls k-mart (for those of you who haven't visited the green bins in c-falls we lovingly call it the Columbia falls k-mart)?

As you may be wondering where it is I am going with this I would love to take the chance to introduce you to someone who against my desire has entered into our home.

Yes it's true, my husband much to my great dismay has become a ditch diver. As I think back trying to figure out how something like this could have occurred I realized it must only happen by accident. There could be no other explanation for such a thing. You see we helped my sister move this weekend with a group of guys from her church. And everyone had trucks and on one of our last trips Seth noticed a basket in the ditch. and so asked my sister if she had any and she said yes. So he drove out to go and get the basket in case it was hers. He found the basket and this GI joe. Which as it turns out neither are hers. And Seth has decided to keep said joe. I think there was something about putting him on his dash board.... not to mention the crappy sunglasses he found the other day that he threw in the trash.


Jake Bramante said...

Okay, two things... most of the time when you see those people "ditch diving", they are actually people picking up trash as community service and/or part of the Adopt-A-Highway program. Second of all, I'm thinking that with posts like yours, maybe people will start doing it out of a treasure finding mission instead of just a community service mission. Actually I do have one regret and that was this. By our office, I spotted a throw pillow that fell out of a car. Thinking that the owners would come back, I left it there. They never did and it fell into disarray. Bummer.

Go Joe!

Seth said...

I feel that I need to defend my actions here. Yes, diving into a dumpster is much different! There is very little chance that an item found in the ditch is going to be covered in some bio-hazard. By the way, I took that very nice picture of Mr. Joe, which makes the unauthorized use of it, copyright infringement!

Jill said...

Well it might if you could prove it! I got the image from my camera and tinkered with it in photo shop wich in turn would make it my image :-)
duh I know the photo game silly who do you think tells you the rules

Jayne said...

My parent's found me a fairly nice desk when I was a kid at the green store. It only had a few oil stains on it from some one else's trash and it had a nice red nob that was only slightly cracked and chipped. I loved having my own desk.
I refuse to go to the green store and am very happy that we have a black trash can out back so I don't have to. I don't want to give my kid's toy's,book's, or anything from the green store, they will just have to suffer with out it.

Jayne said...

That last one was from Jayne

Garren said...

I just got back from the green store. I had some last minute birthday shopping to do for a close friend tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Well now there is some little boy (or girl)out there that has lost his/her GI Joe and is lamenting over the loss. That being said it looks to be in great condition clothed and all. Maybe Seth's new found hobby will bring forth some "nice" things that you can always get rid of on Ebay.

My original comment got lost somewhere in the black hole of the blogging world and I could not remember what I said in the first one. They say memory is the first to go.