Friday, May 23, 2008

Wow I feel like saying holy Tibetan monks or something. It has been a whole month sense I have had a chance to blog! And I am afraid this is just going to be a catch up note.
We have been so busy it's crazy.
Cross country season is done and Emma did OK. She did ribbon every time but didn't give it her all. Her last race was good she managed a 3:04 for a time and that is awesome. She finished out with one first, two seconds, a sixth, and a seventh. Which probably doesn't sound to bad to most except that she wasn't even breathing hard when she crossed the finish line on the 6 and 7. But there is always next year and she know that and that is good.
As many know Seth surprised me with a trip to Cancun this last month as well. We had a lot of fun just getting to hang out with each other. I have to say meal times were a bit odd not having to get food for 5 other people first, my food was still hot which I found to be a novel idea=-)
All is going well school is about out and we are opening a studio. Which I won't say to much about so Seth can blog about it (ha ha). I am hoping to put some Cancun pics up soon, till then have warm sunshiny white sandy beach thoughts.

1 comment:

Todd said...

Sounds crazy!!! You two sound like you are burning the candle at both ends! However Mexico sounds really nice except for the party boats.