Friday, March 14, 2008

2nd Grade Spelling?

So this week as I was going through my second graders papers from school, her sheet of spelling word caught my attention.
1. Paragraph
2. petroglyphs
3. photo
4. telephone
5. graph
6. laugh
7. cough
8 rough
9. enough
10. tough
11. pursuit
12. recruit
13. birthday
14. buy
15. dance
Now maybe it is just me, but I sure don't remember having words like petroglyphs as a spelling word in the 2nd grade. Now most of the time they do get five days to work on their words. But doesn't a word like petroglyphs seem a bit out of place when other words on the list are buy and dance? I mean she has only been reading sense the end of kindergarten, and spelling for a little over a year. Not that she seems to have any problem at all in spelling, most of the time she ends up with no more than two wrong. Which I know she didn't get from me. But I guess time will tell. Her spelling test is today and she will be able to tell me how she did when she gets home. But is it just me or should a child be able to tell you what the meaning is of the words they spell? I would love to do a poll of 2nd grader and ask them id they could tell me what a paragraph is and why it is needed, or what is a graph and how does it work? Or better yet If I recruit you what have I done? Who knows maybe she knows the answers to all of these questions.
Oh and I spell check this and I found it interesting that it said petroglyphs was misspelled but had no suggestions on how to fix it!

1 comment:

Jayne said...

pet·ro·glyph (pět'rə-glĭf') Pronunciation Key
n. A carving or line drawing on rock, especially one made by prehistoric people.
If you go out west of kalispell, my ancesters have some really neat petroglyphs on some rocks out there. They are really old rocks. Mabelle, my 5 year old saw them and showed her preschool class and talked about petroglyphs and how important they are prehistoricly, but you are right the average child has no idea what it is until they meet Mabelle. She's hoping to be a petro. engineer some day.