Monday, March 31, 2008

G I who

Have you ever seen those people who are pulled over on the side of the road and seem to be looking for something in the ditch? And while sometimes you drive by without really noticing them, other times you think what are they doing that's just odd. Is ditch diving really any better than dumpster diving after all. I mean is something found on the side of the road really any less trashy than something pulled out of the green bins? Re the people who ditch dive any different than the ones who see, to live at the Columbia falls k-mart (for those of you who haven't visited the green bins in c-falls we lovingly call it the Columbia falls k-mart)?

As you may be wondering where it is I am going with this I would love to take the chance to introduce you to someone who against my desire has entered into our home.

Yes it's true, my husband much to my great dismay has become a ditch diver. As I think back trying to figure out how something like this could have occurred I realized it must only happen by accident. There could be no other explanation for such a thing. You see we helped my sister move this weekend with a group of guys from her church. And everyone had trucks and on one of our last trips Seth noticed a basket in the ditch. and so asked my sister if she had any and she said yes. So he drove out to go and get the basket in case it was hers. He found the basket and this GI joe. Which as it turns out neither are hers. And Seth has decided to keep said joe. I think there was something about putting him on his dash board.... not to mention the crappy sunglasses he found the other day that he threw in the trash.

Friday, March 28, 2008

not yet

Yes well this for sure isn't right. Sorry about that eye though Garren must be hard having it out like that =-)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Change

Well I decided to change my blog around a bit. I think it is a bit off right now. Kinda like a Easter egg threw up on it. So I will keep working on it .....

Friday, March 14, 2008

oh yeah

And without googling it how many of you know what a petroglyph is?

2nd Grade Spelling?

So this week as I was going through my second graders papers from school, her sheet of spelling word caught my attention.
1. Paragraph
2. petroglyphs
3. photo
4. telephone
5. graph
6. laugh
7. cough
8 rough
9. enough
10. tough
11. pursuit
12. recruit
13. birthday
14. buy
15. dance
Now maybe it is just me, but I sure don't remember having words like petroglyphs as a spelling word in the 2nd grade. Now most of the time they do get five days to work on their words. But doesn't a word like petroglyphs seem a bit out of place when other words on the list are buy and dance? I mean she has only been reading sense the end of kindergarten, and spelling for a little over a year. Not that she seems to have any problem at all in spelling, most of the time she ends up with no more than two wrong. Which I know she didn't get from me. But I guess time will tell. Her spelling test is today and she will be able to tell me how she did when she gets home. But is it just me or should a child be able to tell you what the meaning is of the words they spell? I would love to do a poll of 2nd grader and ask them id they could tell me what a paragraph is and why it is needed, or what is a graph and how does it work? Or better yet If I recruit you what have I done? Who knows maybe she knows the answers to all of these questions.
Oh and I spell check this and I found it interesting that it said petroglyphs was misspelled but had no suggestions on how to fix it!

Friday, March 7, 2008

on your marks get set go!

So about that 11 pounds! =~)
So I thought that we would start running, so we are all ready for cross country season. This year it will only be these three kiddos taking part. I figures if we start practicing early that we won't have any probs being ready for the first race.
I think it should be a fun season and the kids are stoked to get started. Though myself I don't get it, I hate running.

But if it means getting in shape I'll do it. Photo's were taken by my older sis being that I hate running and was.