Saturday, January 12, 2008

Pajama Breakfast!

As we woke up to the ringa ding ding of Seth's phone alarm this morning I remembered the wonderful fact that I was NOT going to have to cook breakfast! What joy as I thought goody! No, "Mom I'm hungry, whatchya making?", and ( my particular favorite ) when Seth sits them all at the table with forks and spoons and they start there chant of "We Want Food, We Want Food". Some how Seth thinks that it is funny, yet I haven't quite figured out why that is. Being it usually ends with something burnt, since I feel the need to chase him down and have to repress the urge to hit him with my spatula.

So, with the realization that we were supposed to meet our friends at a little cafe that we had found with great food (lots of it) and small prices, in about 45 min and nobody was really up yet, I better get the move on. I half remembered a comment; something to do with pajama's? But what about them?

So, as we are walking out the door my phone rings and Jane says to me they're closed. I was like huh seriously? They are closed on Saturday? That is so weird. So we made alternate plans at a place that was "OK", more busy, not as good food, but did I mention more busy? So as we arrive and walk in, I could see and now understand the pajama comment! They were all wearing Jammie's. Hence Jammie breakfast. So, Yea Hartman's including Garren with his pink piggy's!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

My First Blogariffic blog!!

Well I sure couldn't let Seth out do me and have a blog on his pages of our site and not have one myself now could I? So lets see...... All goes good in the Eagleton house hold today. Emma and I continue in our second day of learning the guitar, and if I do say so myself we both show promise =-)